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Jess Bell, D.O.

Co-Founder Of Centers For Energetic Healing
Creator of Energetic Osteopathy®
Osteopathic Physician and Biofield Energy Healer

Board Certified In Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist

Doctor Jess is a deeply inspired innovator, healer, teacher and creator, whose path is to help transform the Western medical model back into a system that recognizes and remembers that Love is the primary component in healing.


Setting The Stage… The Early Years


Jess first recognized her desire to become a doctor at the age of four, shortly after experiencing two back-to-back traumas that instantly transformed her life and catapulted her onto a lifelong path of self healing, learning and discovery. The first event was the sudden and unexpected death of her father, followed only months later by a debilitating accident where she was pinned under a four-door sedan while sledding outside of her childhood home in Newton, MA.  


Her physical injuries were manageable at first and progressed over time. By the age of 13, radiating pain across her back and down her legs caused her to collapse playing playing in a soccer tournament, a sport that she loved more than any other. Her medical assessment offered no workable solutions other than to stop playing soccer entirely. This “solution” ultimately motivated Jess to heal her injured body on her own.  


Jess' self healing journey has been ongoing ever since those early years, and has led to her insatiable interest in human anatomy and physiology. She intuitively knew that her body would heal through exercise and reconditioning, and taught herself how to develop the necessary muscular strength to regain stability and health. As she grew stronger and more flexible, her pain levels diminished, she was able to return to playing sports of all varieties. To this day, Jess continues to find new and more exciting ways to move and explore her body in motion. While her pain did not entirely resolve at that time, what remained became a driving force for her ongoing exploration into healing the human body. 


Inspired by her own need for healing, Jess set on an ever evolving quest to discover deeper healing solutions that have informed her life, and ultimately her medical training and clinical practice.

Jess’ journey through the traditional medical system…


In 2001, Jess found her way into medical school at Touro University College Of Osteopathic Medicine in Vallejo, CA.  She was drawn to osteopathy because of its primary tenets that speak of the self-healing and self-regenerating capacities of the body. She thrived in this educational environment, while deepening her studies in anatomy and learning about the intricacies of every system within the human body. She was also introduced to osteopathic manual treatments, where she learned to feel, touch, and "see" the internal body systems and structures with her increasingly sensitive hands and inner vision.


In 2006, she entered into a residency program in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, at Boston Medical Center in Boston, MA and later found her way to Maine where she currently resides.  She joined a busy traditional pain management practice in 2009, and was deeply saddened by this environment, where she witnessed levels of pain, disability and suffering in ways she had not yet experienced. In an attempt to offer more therapeutic  solutions, she felt compelled to deepen her osteopathic education and hone her hands-on healing skills.


In 2011, she was accepted into a Neuromusculoskeletal medicine residency program at The University Of New England in Biddeford, ME and it was here that she fell in love with a model of osteopathy called Biodynamics. Her mentor and creator of this osteopathic modality, James Jealous, D.O., transformed Jess’ understanding of the human body, its limitless healing potential and how to engage with the indwelling therapeutic forces that flow through every cell within every living being.


Following her second residency program, she chose to open her own solo medical practice in 2012, where she combined hands-on osteopathic treatment and regenerative medicine interventions. She was focused entirely on stimulating healing from within using her hands and witnessed profound and mysterious treatment outcomes over the years, while working in this manner. While she loved working with her patients in these ways, she became increasingly more aware that she was only scratching the surface of the healing that was available. 


The Bridge Into Energetic Healing


At the start of the pandemic in 2020, Jess began working with her patients in ways that her intellectual mind had not envisioned. She was motivated to find ways to help her patients at a time when she was not able to physically touch them and was encouraged to begin treating her patients virtually. She was skeptical that this would work at first, and wondered if it was possible to offer an osteopathic treatment without physical touch. Despite her hesitation, she knew she had to try and had nothing to lose, so she arranged to offer her first virtual session in May, 2020, with a longtime patient who had graciously volunteered. 


At the very start of the virtual session, Jess and her patient were astounded as the treatment unfolded and her hands began to move as if directed magnetically, while she envisioned her patient lying holographically on a treatment table before her. She was astounded to find that she could “see” the anatomy she was working within even more clearly than before, and her patient experienced deep state changes as his physical and emotional dis-ease dissolved.  This first energetic treatment experience led to many others, each offering similar results. 


Since transitioning her practice in 2020, Jess has continued to hone her energetic skills with others and has also discovered ways to offer herself similar energetic treatments. She also committed to treating her own body daily, and was surprised to find that after a few months of self-treatments, Jess was liberated from that nagging back and hip pain that had been a constant presence since her childhood.  

Jess’ dramatic professional and personal transition led her to begin the construction of an energetic healing and teaching platform. She envisioned in person and also virtual training centers, where she and a team of providers would teach others how to heal by engaging with their own bodies energetically, and where she would also train health practitioners to bridge their skill sets into the energetic healing realms. 


In 2021, Jess met her life partner, Claire Garner, a union that began a transformational shift within Jess that has deeply impacted her both personally and professionally.  Claire, who also happened to be a highly gifted Intuitive Emotional Healer, helped Jess take her healing to a whole new level. While Jess’ physical pain had for the most part resolved with daily self-treatments, she realized soon after meeting Claire, that she had only been scratching the surface of the healing that was available on the deeper emotional levels. They realized that their healing gifts were perfectly complementary, and offered a path to healing that included  at the physical, energetic and emotional levels and that their tool sets were intended to be offered in an integrated way. They have been teaching programs and leading groups together ever since.

Bridging The Body And The Human Biofield

In 2022, Jess' perspective on health and healing expanded to include the human biofield. By definition, the human biofield is the field of energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It provides a blueprint for all biological systems within the body and also stores a limitless supply of energy for the health and function of the body. Jess' discovery of the human biofield, provided the missing piece of the healing puzzle that she had been seeking. 


Jess learned to expand her osteopathic skills to incorporate the biofield into her treatments, and was astounded by she what witnessed. She found these treatments seemed to offer levels of healing she had not previously seen or thought possible.


Over time, Jess has progressively deepened her knowledge, honed her skills and gained more experience in the human biofield. As a result, she ​​has continued to witness augmented treatment outcomes in herself and those she teaches and treats.

Jess calls this modality, Energetic Osteopathy®, to reflect the incorporation of the energetic human biofield into osteopathic treatment, and knows that this work that will transform the healthcare system. She is committed to changing the healing paradigm in Western medicine, to bring root level healing back to all humans, regardless of their background or skill level.


Jess' life mission is to share this healing work with you, through her 1:1 sessions, online membership community, and ever evolving teaching programs. She firmly believes that we are all born with indwelling healing capacities that we can all learn to engage and work with, and Jess is here to show you the way.

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