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Our community for
self healers

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Self Healing Immersion

The healing community you've been looking for.

Your place to learn, connect, and deepen your healing, no matter where you are.

Join us and get One Month FREE

What is Self Healing Immersion?

Self Healing Immersion (SHI) is a monthly subscription based online healing community housed on Mighty Networks(MN) and run by Jess Bell, D.O. and Claire Garner NBC-HWC.

If you're not familiar with MN, it functions a lot like a Facebook group but with more customization, and is its own private platform. We wanted a place to be able to post videos, hold Zoom events, connect with our community in between programs, and help people find one another.

When you become a member of Self Healing Immersion, you get your first month FREE to try it out with no commitment, so you can cancel anytime. And what happens within that month?

So much!

Every month we have 6 (or more) Zoom events that are included in your membership.


  • Two exclusive Energetic Group Healing Sessions led by Jess, our resident Osteopath, Energy Healer, and creator of Energetic Osteopathy®

  • A 90 minute session called All Things Energy led by Jess. This session is different every time, but always centers around some aspect of energy and/or energetic healing, and makes sure to leave lots of room to answer your questions too.

  • Our Two Hours Together. In this relaxed Saturday morning gathering we explore different topics related to relationships, self love, the human biofield, emotional healing, our energetic system, the list goes on! Jess and Claire take turns leading this session, so it's always sure to be something different. Sometimes it's a workshop, sometimes it's a discussion or exploration, but it's always meaningful and sure to be a deeply reflective, connected time with our tight knit community. And even better, you often get to vote on the topic to be covered each month, so you're getting the most relevant, helpful topics for where you're at in your life.

  • Intuitive Emotional Healing Workshop led by Claire. This workshop is a full 90 minutes dedicated to checking in, troubleshooting, and deepening your emotional healing as you go about your life. Emotional Healing is some of the deepest, most rewarding work that we do, so why not do it alongside others on the same path? We don't have to do this alone.

  • Monthly Reset. This sweet 45 minute reflective session is held on the Sunday evening closest to the beginning of each new month. To begin, Jess usually grounds us before Claire comes in and invites us to bring in some compassion for ourselves as we reflect on the month we just walked through and set loving intentions for ourselves in the month ahead.

  • The Emotional Healing Resource Library. This library is made up of worksheets, graphics, exclusive youtube playlists, and audio recordings all made to help you dive deeper into your emotional healing work. Claire is constantly updating and expanding this library, so it really is an invaluable resource.

  • The Energetic Healing Resource Library. This library is comprised mostly of audio recordings Jess has made for you to have a selection of guided practices to aid you in your daily energetic healing. She is always adding new practices to keep this resource library as relevant to the energies and happenings on the planet as possible.

  • And More! From time to time Jess and Claire offer exclusive discounts, free events (both in person and online), and early access to new offerings to SHI members. You never know what perks are coming your way!

We really cannot emphasize to
you what a sweet little
community this is.

Founders Rate

But how much does it cost?

During 2024, everyone who signs up for SHI will lock in at our Founder's Rate of just 
$49  $35 a month AND receive their first month FREE to try it out

The History of Self Healing Immersion

Self Healing Immersion was birthed in the spring of 2022 by Jess Bell, D.O. and Claire Garner, NBC-HWC.

Jess and Claire met in early 2021 and fell in love pretty immediately. Claire arrived in their relationship with over a decade of dedicated work on her own emotional healing, and Jess arrived with decades of energetic healing work deeply informed by her profession as a biodynamic osteopath. But neither had spent much time doing the healing work the other had been engaged in. So as they sank into love and life together, they began sharing little pieces of their own healing framework with one another, and found that the two married together beautifully.

After a year of applying this new combined self healing framework in their own lives, they knew they had something special. So they launched their very first Level One program (which is now their Evolve and Heal the Body Series) combining the 10 Step Energetic Self Healing Protocol Jess developed with the Intuitive Emotional Healing curriculum Claire brought through, among many other things. The reception they received was beautiful and humbling. 

This work was changing people's lives, bringing them more fulfillment and expansion than they'd thought possible, and helping them alchemize old wounds they'd been carrying around, often for decades.

It was working. This work was healing their program participants in the same way it was healing Jess and Claire both individually and as a couple.

People on a Deck

It was time to bring this work to

a wider community.

So Claire and Jess created Self Healing Immersion to foster community among self healers, make their self healing framework more practical and accessible to a wider audience of people, at a lower cost, and help people continue to deepen their learning and apply the self healing framework outside of their more formal programs.

It's the hope of Claire and Jess that you find the Self Healing Immersion to be a loving, supportive, gently reflective space that you can feel safe to show up fully as yourself and continue to grow in. It's their hope you will connect with other likeminded Humans (and maybe even make some new friends!), learn about yourself, and continue to step into the boundless, expansive, sovereign Human you came here to be.

Join the community.

Want to see what it's like?
Here's a quick tour!

Want to join, but have a burning question you need answered before you do?

Email us at

Are you ready?

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